Get Familiar with the New Norms of Dental Practices during COVID-19

Due to lockdown in this COVID-19, your regular dental checkup plans get disrupted. The dental clinics were closed and you could not go out, but fortunately, people could contact their dentist virtually or on the phone. However, physical assessment and treatment are better. Nonetheless, you settled with self-care as you could not visit the facility.

After a long wait, the dental clinics are open and you can schedule your overdue checkup or treatment at dentisterie familiale [family dentistry]. However, people still worry about the coronavirus threat looming overhead. The dental practices were given guidelines to work safely by the ADA. The new norms for dental care have changed, so your visits will differ from what they were before the lockdown. It is better to get familiar with the dos and don’ts of new dental care norms before you visit Portland Dental Center.

When you book a dental appointment……

  • Book an appointment in advance with your dentist. Never make unsolicited visits.
  • Go through the coronavirus pre-screening interview. Don’t lie about your exposure to coronavirus or any experienced symptoms.

When you visit the dental clinic for your appointment……


  • Carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The dental office will have one, if you forget, you will need to disinfect your hands as soon as you enter the door.
  • Submit the pre-registration procedure. Get temperature measured and answer honestly to screening questions.
  • A face mask is mandatory for patients as well as the dental staff. The dentist will be wearing full PPE when they treat patients.
  • Ensure proper physical distancing.
  • Follow proper cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene.
  • Before and after checkup sanitize or wash your hands.


  • Visit the clinic alone because you will be allowed to enter the office alone. However, if the patient is a kid then parents are allowed but will undergo the same pre-screening interview.
  • No handshakes but a due courtesy.
  • Avoid touching surfaces and objects because viruses house there.
  • Talk as little as possible to restrain possible contact.

When the dental checkup is complete……

  • Understand the instructions your doctor gives regarding post-treatment teeth care.
  • Sanitize or wash your hands on leaving the dental facility.
  • After the appointment drive back home, don’t loiter.
  • If you experience COVID-like symptoms in the next 2 weeks update the dentist.

Before you visit the dental clinic remember to brush and floss your teeth, so the task for the dentist to identify the problematic area becomes easy. Besides, eat a protein-filled diet one-hour before the schedule. To get more information on dos and don’ts visit the website.

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